Hate using clunky-ugly-overly
complex CRM platforms?

Switch to a customizable CRM with an iOS app that’s a pleasure to use and actually helps you close more deals

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Join 200+ high performing sales teams

Are you paying for CRM features you never use?

Lots of other CRMs try to 'do it all' and function for multiple different types of account (or individual) based relationship management which means they are more general, opposed to specific and charge for features that small sales team don’t even need.

You’ve already tried every CRM but none of them fits your needs

Either they are too complex, ahem...Salesforce
Or super manual like google sheets  
or too expensive, ahem...close...ahem Hubspot

You need a CRM that your sales team will love & use

“Our sales reps barely needed any training using curema, they opened it up and just got it”

Levi John, VP Sales

“As a VP of Sales I’m able to keep up to date on the status of contracts in the pipeline”

Caleb Dido, Sales

“We have reps that hated CRMs, but now they use curema everyday and love it”

Sheila Zass, Manager

“Using curema, my team can now keep track of emails, leads and lead stages all from within one dashboard”

Maya Duckworth, SVP Sales

“My team is oraganized more than ever after curema and the accountant was happy we didn't break the bank”

Erwin Smith, Head of sales

We are made for each other <3

From call tracking to iOS app for lead tracking, we've got everything that you like

Instead of missing opportunities, know exaclty when to follow up

No more digging through your inbox, trying to reassemble a story from a series of fragmented replies. Plus, if you ever want to include someone else, you can just send them a single link to the thread in Basecamp rather than try to forward them a mess of emails.

Instead of missing opportunities, know exaclty when to follow up

No more digging through your inbox, trying to reassemble a story from a series of fragmented replies. Plus, if you ever want to include someone else, you can just send them a single link to the thread in Basecamp rather than try to forward them a mess of emails.

Instead of missing opportunities, know exaclty when to follow up

No more digging through your inbox, trying to reassemble a story from a series of fragmented replies. Plus, if you ever want to include someone else, you can just send them a single link to the thread in Basecamp rather than try to forward them a mess of emails.